You can use use Mpeg Streamclip to convert DV video files for use on NewTek Tricaster. Newtek is very annoying in that they do NOT recognize Quicktime format files so you have to convert to AVI format. Quicktime movies and AVI movies are just containers. The important part is the format of the audio and video inside those containers.
Using Mpeg Streamclip you can install the included "Save as AVI" Quicktime component and make sure the video is in DV format and the Audio is in MP3 format. You can then put the resulting AVI file on a thumb drive or external hard drive, quit the Tricaster interface and copy the file to the media clips folder. Once you re-launch the Tricaster interface you can then load up the video in the "VCR" (or I will assume a DDR in the Video Toaster product) for playback.
Converting from Tricaster naitive format is pretty much impossible. You need to obtain the video CODEC from the NewTek website and install it on your Windows workstation. You can then open the file in Windows Media Player to view it...but you will have to find utilities to then convert it to a format you can play elsewhere. NewTek does NOT make a Quicktime component to support their format, which in my opinion is a mistake on their part. The prevents you from sourcing a video file on a Tricaster or Video Toaster and using it in Final Cut Pro on OSX. Very short sighted on NewTeks behalf if you ask me. I believe you now can use MPEG2 as a format, but in my opinion...too little...too late.